
problem solved - audition coach - musical theatre - actor - broadway.png


Are you still using a monologue from Theatre Camp ten years ago, because you don’t know where to find new material? I am here to help. I will find you pieces that you actually want to perform. Are you ready to level up your monologue game?


Monologues are a great way to show your personal style and personality. You want a piece that is relatable, but also challenges you.

We will work together to find material you are confident about.  Material that is age, theme, and length appropriate.

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How it works 

Step 1: Consultation where I get to know you, your type, dream roles, what current pieces you have & so on.

Step 2: Sit back & relax for 7 days!

Step 3: Your monologues will be sent directly to your email inbox in PDF form.

Step 4: Rock that audition!

Something to Note-

All monologues are sourced from plays. 


check out my IGTV to learn more!

Finding a good monologue is like finding a good pair of shoes.

Some just don’t fit quite right no matter how many times you re-tie (or re-work) a shoe (monologue).

That’s where I can help!⁣

⁣Let ME doing the heavy lifting for YOU! Let’s find you a “shoe” that fits just right.